Sometimes they call me Señor Scruff

Hola, I am Señor Scruff.  Us dogs understand that people are confused.  It seems my family never makes up their mind. It took me a while to understand I was Scruffy the Bad Dog. First I though my name was Scruffy, then I thought it was No-Scruffy, but lately we seemed to have settled on Scruffy the Bad Dog.

However, the confusion never ends. Sometimes  I’m Scruff, Señor Scruff, Scruffalicous, The Scruffmeister and so on.  Sometimes my mom gets bored and I get eyebrows, or a mustache.  Could be worse , sometimes mom puts lipstick on Dot or gives her a racing stripe or a red dot right in the middle of her Dot forehead.  Dot has many names too-  Dotter, ReDot, Dotamundo and Dot-o-lama and so on.