Guilty as Charged

Some fun things I’ve done recently:

Helped trim the Christmas tree by eating the lower branches;

Ate the Christmas cookies mom left out for me on the kitchen table;

Helped with recycling by shredding lots of  trash from the trash can;

Cleaned up the environment by eating a few ant traps (pretty tasty). Mom took me to the vet and I got to eat some charcoal  as a bonus.  The next time it happened I didn’t have to go to the vet;

Went jogging down the block with some guy- I think he wanted to race because he ran faster when he saw me coming.  I caught him and scruffed him though.  He was jealous and cursed at Mom about it;

Woke up Dot up with the cold nose dog greeting (if you know what I mean)- I licked The Kid right after I did this;

Tried to track my steps by eating Dad’s Fitbit; and

Added a splash of color (muddy brown) to the comforter in Mom’s bedroom.

There’s more, but you can see I’ve been busy scruffin and life is good!