Everybody bow your heads-

No really- get ‘me bowed. Sad news. The Dot.com passed away in 2016 and went to the big squirrel chasing ground in the sky.   She was a dog of many names- Dot, Dotter, Dot-a-Rama, Dot-a-rooski, it goes on forever. She’s was the Dot-o-lama- spiritual leader of all dogs, (well, maybe just Toby).

Anyway- we miss the Dot- she was my first pal and part of my pack, no matter how ratty our pack is.  She lived till she was 18 which is like 4 million in human years. Mom and dad and the ratty kid were pretty sad.  Turns out Dot had not lost control of her bladder- it was that rat Toby peeing in the kitchen.  I knew it. Oh, That’s not dead Dot in the picture – she was just sleeping with her tongue out.  Rest In Peace sweet Dotter.